SOTA Imaging Responds to COVID-19

Posted by Frank Holman on 3/23/20

During the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, our focus is on the safety and well-being of our employees and community and continued service of our clients. We are providing an update today on the actions taken to date as we focus on health, safety, and business continuity. SOTA Imaging will remain open and has taken the following steps to help you and your practice.

  • SOTA Imaging support will remain open M - F, 6am - 5pm Pacific Time.
  • Account managers are ready to help you remotely. 
  • Telecommuting arrangements are in place for employees.
  • Employees are updated regularly with developments and measures to ensure safety.
  • Routine environmental cleaning measures are in place.
  • Travel plans are cancelled.

Your business continuity is a key priority. We want to minimize service disruptions to your practice. Our goal is to offer support and responsiveness during this difficult time. Thank you for your continued partnership.

SOTA Imaging
(888) 266-7682

Topics: SOTA Imaging